Wednesday, December 31, 2014

What does "No Justice No Peace" actually mean?

    "No Justice No Peace" Many people have heard this saying dealing with the Ferguson Riots in America, but what does it mean?  No Justice... in reference to whom exactly?  No Peace... in what way?  If you ask Edomites (Whites) what this statement means they would probably lift up their shoulders in confusion.  If you ask the so-called black community they would probably say that this statement expressed anger or discontent with the political and social oppression of the Black Man in America.
    However Hebrew Israelites namely myself as a Hebrew Israelite from the Tribe of Judah has a clearer understanding of this statement.  "No Justice No Peace" Is a statement immortalized during the Ferguson Riots but the roots of it stems back all the way from the atrocities committed by Edomites towards Israelite Slaves here in America.  The ancestors of the Israelite slaves that were killed... raped and robbed had No Justice and was given No Peace.
    So now generations after slavery has ended the seed of the slaves have begun to speak out against this corrupt Government and Peoples who benefited from our ancestors suffering during slavery.  Police of today still kill black men in the streets.  This country still oppresses Gods people and the stench of our blood in the streets are finally coming to the nostrils of every man women and child in America.
    We have bleed in the streets since slavery but our suffering and death greatly went unacknowledged by America and peoples of the world.  Our suffering didn't change how white people conducted themselves.  You think they turned in there BMW's because blacks had to ride public transportation... of course not.  Infact ... even when whites did use public transportation they forced blacks to sit at the back of the bus while they sat comfortably in the front.
     No Justice was given to the slaves in the past nor their descendants here in America today.  That is why our children gets slain in the streets and those who slay them get off scott free.  No Justice pertains to all of the violence and all of the theft towards the so-called blacks in America.  Those who are against us and have wronged us are not punished for their crimes, however when so-called blacks do crimes they are punished greater then others committing the same crime.
    No Peace in the black community because we fear murder at the hands of Edomite Cops who hunt for us day and night.  Our community fears death, murder, rape, and oppression every day.  We have no peace because of the violence that are done to us... the poverty that we live in here in America.  Although other nationalities live here in America as well no other nationality has experienced oppression like so-called blacks in this country nor can they fully understand how it has gripped our community even to this day.
    "No Justice No Peace"  If the so-called Black community continues to be oppressed and not receive Justice then those who benefit from this oppressive system will not enjoy Peace. IE Ferguson and all of the demonstrations around the world.  The so-called Blacks are rising up and beginning to tare down the social peace of this oppressive country... little by little and bit by bit.
    Those in their glass houses fear what is coming next, civil unrest, police state, martial law, suspension of civil liberties, fall of the America currency, to name a few will effectively be the end of the white man's Peace.  We who are and have always been on the bottom of this society has nothing to lose!  You think we care about liberty... when the system has always been used against us.  You think we care about prosperity or business... we have been poor since slavery and non of the business in our communities are even owned by us.
    So we don't have nothing to lose but everything to gain.  What is that saying... Misery loves Company?  If we have to be poor and oppressed ... then why should there be whites who own business and enjoy the good life.  It is better that they are oppressed same as we... poor same as we, killed in the streets by the same pigs that kill us in the streets, so military lockdown to us means equality. If we don't have liberty then why should they have it... if we fear this system, why should they not fear it as well?  To Edomites what I am talking about is not Justice but to us it is Equality.
   Business being burned down as it is in Ferguson means no prosperity, not for us nor for them.  If we don't have jobs, if we can't own business, if we don't have a 401k then why the hell should they? (EDOMITES)  We no longer should except oppression from our enemies and remain silent in fear... of what?  Of dieing?  Of being ridiculed?  That already happens every day in America.  There is going to be change in America... because we ain't going to take it up the ass no more believe it!

  "If all men are created equal then why am I born oppressed?" Quoted by Sekuma Z. Lambew

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