Wednesday, February 11, 2015

All Men are not Created Equal!

    In early childhood you are taught in school that every man is created Equal and you never ask yourself why do they say that?  Is what they say backed up by biological fact?  Is it based on Biblical Fact?  Is it based on Historical Fact?  Is it based on American values?  Is this even true statement or is it what humanity wishes to be the case?
    The United States Constitution creates the Idea of Human Equality, but as we know with Black American History this was not the case when it came to slaves brought to America.  In fact the Constitution was not created with blacks in mind it was drafted for the whites that lived here in America.  Moreover the black slaves was considered by the supreme court of America as kin to live stock and was considered 3/5 Human.
    So it is obvious that America's constitution created a statement that it itself does not support... and does not apply to All Men, but is the statement "All men are created Equal" a biological fact?  Could it be that the founding fathers of America considered Biology when they drafted the constitution?  Biology reveals that so-called Blacks skin has pigmentation which is the reason their skin has color.  However this color is not just for looks but helps the body protect itself against the Sun's radiation.
    Now the self proclaimed White man has no pigmentation and their skin is susceptible to absorbing the radiation unleashed by the Sun.  This causes their skin and body to develop skin cancers and other cancers associated with the radiation of the Sun.  Also note: that the chromosomes in white people are not complete but are deficient leading to eventual birth defects within their genome such as down syndrome & various other birth defects.
    The so-called black man's genome is complete, which highly suggest that the original man was black.  Just like the color black can be strained to created all the colors of the rainbow all nationalities and skin colors can come from so-called Blacks even white skin tone can come from blacks.  An albino is a good example of this, a person who has two black parents but himself is born without pigmentation thus being white or pale.  However two white parents can not create a child with black skin/pigmentation.
    So if the statement "All Men Are Created Equal" is not a Historical fact... Not a Biological Fact... then could it be a biblical fact?  The constitution was drafted with the bible in mind right?  The forefathers of America was suppose to be believers in the BIBLE?  Then lets see if the Bible supports the statement "All Men Are Created Equal."  Deuteronomy 7;6 "For thou art an holy people unto the Lord thy God: the Lord thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, ABOVE all people that are upon the face of the earth!" 
    So this statement in the Holy Bible does not support the statement "All Men Are Created Equal." It is also of note that their as several passes in the Holy Bible showcasing the fact that Yah loves Israel over all other nations on the earth even has stated the other nations were considered less then nothing to HIM, making it quite clear to all who know Him that in his eyes All Men Are Not Created Equal! But was not the constitution created under God?  It is more then a blunder that the founding fathers would put the statement "All Men Are Created Equal" under God when the biblical God declares otherwise?
    It is clear that the statement "All Men Are Created Equal" is not a Historical Fact... Not a Biological Fact... Not a Biblical Fact... maybe its more of an expression of American Values?  Does American citizens believe "All Men Are Created Equal" and do they express this belief in a practical matter here in America?  After the recent shooting & death of Michael Brown, an unarmed black teanager killed by police, and so many other black men here in America killed by police and white citizens, it is unlikely that the consciousness of America believes in practice the statement "All Men Are Created Equal."  (2 blacks a week on average)
     If not only after Slavery and with the deaths of millions of blacks by white murders whom has yet to be punished for their crimes it is clear that the statement "All Men Are Created Equal" is not only untrue but I suspect to be a deliberate LIE.  All Men Are Not Created Equal and the powers that be in this world knows it.  The problem is that the rulers of this world are genetically inferior to the origin man (Black Man) & has utilized technological advancements in weapons to subvert and oppress the descendants of the original man.
    Then after the original man descendants have been oppressed, the powers that be pushes their media propaganda force to push the idea that Blacks are inferior, violent, inhuman, ect.  To the point that every man women and child believes that the Black Man is the lowest form of Humanity,& that their lives do not matter, while at the same time believing unrealistically that "All Men Are Created Equal."
    It is clear that the system of control that has been created to deceive mankind into hating its origin, is a clear corrupt system.  The mutation which is called the White Man has turned this world upside down.  They say "All Men Are Created Equal when knowing full well that they are not equal to the so-called black man who was the father of all Men.
    With the world being polluted by fukushima nuclear disaster 2011 and the looming war world 3 which once initiated will bring mankind to the brink of self annihilation, who trust in the system we are forced to live under?  If they tell us "All Men Are Created Equal" and its obviously a lie then nothing they say can be trusted, thus why this world we know now is coming to a close.  The world is waking up to the bullshit spitting out of the white mans mouth and his bluff is about to be called Shalom!

    "It's your system to crash White Man... But don't expect US to help you build another one!" Quoted By:  Sekuma Z. Lambew

For More Israelite Truth subscribe to my youtube channel "sekuma08"

All Men are not Created Equal!