Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Facebook The Hand of American Control!

    I am starting to notice especially since the Blood Moons have begun April 2014 - Sept. 2015 that FaceBook and other so-called social networks have been censoring more and more of the truth from getting to the eyes of the people.  Now partially I recognize these evil wicked people of this world don't want to see truth but want to bask in lies and false assurances, however it is of note: that social media like FaceBook is actively screening free speech regarding the End of Days Signs as some how hate speech.  Take this for example... I wrote in my facebook account...

Sekuma Lambew
Sekuma Lambew "The white man has really mentally raped my people... he beats us... shoots us and our children in the streets... enslaved us... keeps us in perpetual poverty in our ghettos and slums... and to make sure you don't rise up against the very perpetrators of crimes against us... they have you worship THEIR image of a white Jesus in A religion whom they forced your ancestors to believe in. The cross and the sword remember those days? Nope they made sure to keep that out of the history books so you coon negros can keep worshiping the image of the mother fucker who raped robbed and enslave you. Don't forget those nice Christian Mobs who strung your ancestors up on a noose and lynched us on trees holding their bibles... saying "Jesus Loves you!" and look they left a nice burning Cross on your daddies front lawn so you never forget how Christianity saved your dirty black niger soul! Shalom!"
And they removed it saying it was nudity??? Now how the fuck is talking about being mentally raped by the white man oppression on the black community with nudity?  They obviously is trying to make a connection where one does not exist in order to remove a concept that makes their white asses uncomfortable.  Or how about this ...

    "Our Black Women sell their souls to serve the white man against the black man.  Who says they don't still see us as slaves.  See the CHAIN on her neck?  This black women is trying to cry out for help but nobodies listening... guess we too busy watching our football games and screwing white women to see the obvious Truth.  We ain't free you coon idiots... we still slaves.  You want Justice...
then beg the white man... they got their hands in all our affairs and we got no control over nothing not even raising our own kids.  For all you coons who think America is Heaven... this should wake your ass up... we in Hell and the white man is the Devil Shalom!

    "When you fucking coons gonna learn... they (White Man) are our enemies.  Do you get it now coons??? Or do you got to be the next mother fuckers to be shot and killed while being unarmed before you join this movement/realization?  We Israelites of the bible... children of God... and they are the seed of Satan simple... which side are you on coon?  You better get your head out of your ass and come back to serving Yah ... your God in sincerity and Truth before it's too late Shalom!"

"With all of the Death, Murder, Theft, Rape, going on around the world by Edomites (America) who can still believe in the Lie of WHITE Jesus? Give me an example of a white man being hung (Lynched) on a tree? I can give you several examples of them doing the lynching none where they was actually being lynched. So it does not make any sense why coons and others believe the white man was hung on the cross?" Quoted by Sekuma Z. Lambew for more truth subscribe to our youtube channel "sekuma08"
  Facebook and other social media outlets are just another hand of control of the so-called whiteman and they like the devil they are... hate the truth and perpatrate nothing but lies since the day they came out of the fucking mountains of Russia.      The day is coming were the Lies of the Edomites & other Heathens regarding who the Children of Yah are is going to be destroyed!  And all of you who believe these lies will mourn greatly in the days coming.  America will be humbled by the most High for its crimes against the so-called Negros and these Heathen Nations will learn what Yah really things of them without the illusions created and perpetrated by these Devils who have whitewashed this world.  Shalom. 

    "It's strange, they say we have freedom of speech but when you talk against fake white Jesus and about the horrible crimes edomites have committed against my people here in America and all around the world... all of a sudden Facebook starts threatening to delete your account?  Funny... I thought this account is a means for corporations to feed our pictures... profiles... and personal information to an out of control Government who has too much time on their hands?  I guess Facefag doesn't want their Government kickbacks for selling us out no more."  Quoted by Sekuma Z. Lambew.

    "For all you coons (Uncle Toms) that love the White Man so damn much... let me show you a picture of what he looks like once you take away the business suits... the fancy cars... the uniforms... the million dollar homes and so forth... and if you dare take away the cross tied to the Christian religion ... you can finally see what these biatces really look like and their role in this world.  Can you see what we Israelites see?  Shalom."

"How you going to survive when the Entertainment of this world stops and the fight begins?"  Quoted by Sekuma Z. Lambew.

"Another time my account on Facebook has been temporarily blocked.  Why?  In life there are many types of people.  Some seek the Truth... others flee from it... some speak truth despite the consequences while others disseminate nothing but lies, finding comfort in darkness.  However all things done in darkness will be revealed in the Light.  Though Facebook has aligned itself with the powers that perpetuate lies, ignorance, and darkness in this world the light of truth will ultimately break through and destroy the veil of Darkness & the day of his coming (Truth,The Way,The Life) Yeshua is near."  Quoted by Sekuma Z. Lambew

For More Israelite Truth subscribe to my youtube channel "sekuma08"

America was Destined to Fail.

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