Thursday, April 9, 2015

The American Matrix is Broken.

The American Matrix is Broken.
     The American Matrix that has pulled the wool over the eyes not only of nations around the world but over the very eyes of the children of Yah concerning who they are and where they come from.  This deception has finally been broken by the Most High after almost 400 years of captivity.  The so-called blacks from the Trans-Atlantic Slave trade are the real Israelites of scripture per Jeremiah 14;2, 8;21, Song Of Solomon 1;5-6 Rev:1;14-15 and so forth in the KJB 1611.
    America promotes many things that are regarded as wickedness within the Holy Bible.  As an example America promotes Homosexuality... Sorcery... Abortion... & multi racial blending.  All of these are abominable by the Most High.  At the same time America was believed to be a nation founded on Christianity... and Christianity is believed to be a religion based on the Worship of the Son of the Most High.
    Of course now that the Beginning of Sorrows has begun in 2011 after the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster in Japan the Matrix of Delusion (Religion, Science, Witchcraft) that supported the foundation of European (White) Supremacy or rule has begun to crumble and soon will be destroyed utterly.  The Truth of The God of Israel is about to be reestablished upon this earth as the time of the Gentiles comes to an End.
    Jeremiah 16;19 "O Lord, my strength, and my fortress, and my refuge in the day of affliction, the Gentiles shall come unto thee from the Ends of the earth, and shall say, Surely our fathers have inherited lies, vanity, and things wherein there is NO PROFIT."  The bible is saying that once the deceptions that Gentiles spit out 24/7 through Religion, Science, Technology, Witchcraft, White Supremacy ect.  are reveal to be bullshit then the gentiles will seek the lord our God with much humility.
    So all of the lies you have probably grown up believing will one day soon be revealed (To You) to be just lies with no profit for a relationship with the Most High is the only thing with everlasting benefits, and the only people who The Most High deals with is Israelites as he has said himself.  Ex. Psalm 147;19-20 "He sheweth his word unto Jacob (Israel), his statutes & his judgements unto israel. 20, He hath not dealt so with ANY nation; and for his judgements, they have not known them.  Praise ye the Lord!" So what does that leave for the rest of the nations who has been drunk of the wine of Vanity?  They are about to experience a morning sickness the likes of which they have never known.
     When will all of this take place?  Well we know since the Beginning of Sorrows has begun and correlates with the 400 year curse imposed by Yah on Israel for its sins against Him comes to and End.  Simply put... when Yah reveals his children are the slaves here in America thus ending their captivity then the shore destruction foretold in the bible for America and the other wicked nations of the world will begin to become the New Reality they have been hiding for a long time.
    America despite its claims to separate church and state has known of this prophecy of their destruction  foretold in the Bible Gen. 15; 14-15 & Acts 7;6-7 Isaiah 14;1-7 and so on.  They have been planing to attempt to maintain their continuity of Government even after Yah brings us out of their captivity for they know like with ancient Egypt once Yah takes us out of this country sure destruction is coming upon it for its crimes against us.
    The United States Gov.  has for years created a tightly monitored smear campaign against the children of Yah and the word of Yah... to hide the origin of the so-called negro americans from all Americans.  I would say the world but... the world's governments already know who we are but have agreed by and large not to discuss it publicly.  However since the explosion of the world wide web the communications between people have increased and traffic of said information has spread.
    I have talked with peoples in Africa using social media who know that the so-called African American is not really African.  They also do not deny their role in the inslavement of the so-called black man into slavery... why?  Because they know that we are the children of Yah... Israelites not Africans as outlined not only in the bible but also in their history.  See America has kept this as tight as secret as they cool for almost 400 years but coming to the end of the Gentile rule this truth Yah is allowing to break forth to the very ears of his chosen people.
    Thus all of the secret fears of The American Government... the self proclaimed white man... and these Heathen nations concerning the wrath of the God of Israel will be manifested in truth soon come.  The world as you know it will soon be turned upside down or shall I say rightside up finally.  The leprice white man who came out of the mountains of southern Russia and slaughter indigenous black population all over the face of the world will soon be running for his life.  These Heathen countries that was established/white washed will soon be dust to the ground& the children of Yah will soon be free form their lies and control shalom.

  "They want you to be proud of their Heathen Nations while denying you the truth of Your Israelite Nation & you wonder why Yah is coming to destroy them?"  Quoted by Sekuma Z. Lambew

For More Israelite Truth subscribe to my youtube channel "sekuma08"


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