Wednesday, January 14, 2015

500 days until polar shift/Climate Change Sept. 2015

   500 days until polar shift/Climate Change Sept. 2015  and is there no wonder why in the end of 2016 we have SUPER STORMS?
    The French Foreign Minister Says "That we have 500 days until Climate Change Caos."  Now when he said this notice that all of the world leaders Including Karry from the United States did not flinch.  They did not cut him off... nor did they refute what he was saying.  It was obvious that the French Foreign Minister was not talking strangely to them or talking crazy.  They knew what he was talking about as it was obvious the only one that did not know what he was talking about was the American People.
    Luke 21;26 "Men's Hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of Heaven shall be shaken!" Is this not what is happening right now?  If you do some research on the internet you will find scientist around the world are starting to speak out concerning the Polar Ice melting, A Dark Star entering our solar system, The North Pole and the South Pole is about to switch and so forth.  Not to mention WW3 on the horizon between Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, against The United States of America.  There is a whole lot of fear in mans heart right now because all of these threats are happening simultaneously and no one knows how to avert the effects of these coming calamities.
    The big question is why did we have to hear this from French Foreign Minister why not from our own Government?  They are not telling the American People shit about any of the major threats to America as has been their policy for years.  The American People are some of the richest people on the planet but also the dumbest people in the planet.  They are more focused on T.V. sitcoms instead of real life.  They care more about what their Hollywood stars think about rather then what scientist are saying about what's going on with the planet.
    The American people have been so brainwashed by T.V. and poisoned by the fluoride purposely put into the water system of America that they don't have the capacity anymore to seek information for themselves outside of the official sources that provide false information.  Does anyone think this is an accident?  But if you try to show the people what's really going on you are called a conspiracy nut?  LOL... well in a few months we are all going to be smacked with the truth they they was trying to avoid for so long.
    Sept. 24, 2015 is suppose to be when climate chaos will begins.  Note:  We have already seen a noticeable climate change leading up to the end of the 500 day countdown.  We have seen 38 volcano's erupting all over the world simultaneously... we have seen an increase in earthquakes and Super Storms with wind gust topping 200 miles per hour & and apparently this is just to tip of the iceberg to how the climate will become even more violent once the 500 day countdown concludes.
    Now the Government is not going to tell the people of America just how dire the situation is because they want to keep people calm and mountain their control over the masses.  They know if they told the people that the end of society as we know it was on the horizon then the people would revolt... there would be chaos in the streets looting... murder.. rape and so forth so the powers that be are lying to us for as long as they can.
    How does this all tie into biblical prophecy?  Note:  The Flour blood moons began in April 2014 and will end September 2015 on exactly they same month the end of the 500 day countdown to Climate Chaos.  Coincidence?  I don't think so.  So these blood moons are a sign to Israel from Yah right, but what is the message & and why is the blood moons only visible in the Americas not in the state of Israel?
    The real Jews of scripture is the Blacks slaves brought to America in cargo slave ships in 1619 as per scripture.  Deuteronomy 28;68 "And the Lord shall bring thee into Egypt Again with Ships, by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold unto your enemies for bondmen & bondwomen, and no man shall buy you!"  Yah told our Ancestors that since we broke the commandments of Moses that we would be punished in this way.  This prophecy came to pass after the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 a.d. we ran into Africa to avoid Roman persecution.  Later on the African's who knew we was not their people... rounded us up and sold us to the White Man who brought us to America fulfilling this biblical prophecy.
    Now Yah told us how long we would be in bondage for our crimes against Him.  Gen. 15;13 - 14 "And He said unto Abram, know of a surety that thy SEED shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall SERVE them; and they shall AFFLICT them FOUR hundred years; 14, And also that Nation, whom they shall serve, will I JUDGE; and afterwards shall they come out with great substance!"  If you add 400 years from the date we stepped foot on the shores of the Americas 1619 + 400 years .. you get 2019.  Now of course Yah could have started the countdown early when we was first put on the slave ships in route to America or even earlier when they begun to round us up in Africa and first purchased by the white man.
    So the fulfilment of this prophecy can be any time from today unto the end of 2019.  We know it can be early but Yah is never Late... the children of Israel will be freed from their captivity soon.  Is it a coincidence that these global events are happening at the very end of our 400 prophesied captivity?  The only way you can understand the signs of the End of Days is to understand who the Children of Yah are... if you don't understand they are the Negros in America then you will be caught unaware when all of these signs come to pass.
    If you think that is only in the Old Testament and it was done away with the death of Yeshua then your wrong.   The New Testament says the same thing in Acts 7;6-7  So it is clear that this prophecy is happening right now and was not done away with as the Christian Liars would have you believe.  We are not coming to the End of the Church Age (another Christian Lie) we are coming to the end of the Gentile Age.  Luke 21;24 - 25 "And they shall fall by the edge of the sword; (Fall of Jerusalem 70 a.d.) and shall be led away captives into all Nations: (Trans-Atlantic Slave trade) and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, (Jewish & Palestine conflicts) until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled. 
    25,And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring" Doesn't this describe what we are seeing today... climate change... earthquakes... distress of Nations, (Civil Unrest around the world)  air pollution, Fukushima polluting the sea, dead fish/birds,animal extinction.  Is this not perplexity?  This world wide issues can not be simply corrected... but the problem are so complex and extreme that nothing side a miracle can save Humanity from these Calamities.
    However for the Children of Yah those Negros that are still in captivity, Yeshua has a message for you!  Luke 21;28 "And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for YOUR redemption draweth nigh." Who's redemption?  The People of the Book... the Israelites still here in America who was denied knowledge of their History.  We are the ones Yeshua is talking about not the church lol... but the blacks that are still here catching hell from Edomites.  Our redemption... our kingdom... our savior... is on the way.  Shalom.

    "They took away our God and told us to worship Theirs.  They thought they could rule over us forever but they were wrong... now Yeshua is coming to make them pay for their mistakes and free his people!"  Sekuma Z. Lambew

For More Israelite Truth subscribe to my youtube channel "sekuma08"

T.L.B.S.S: Israelite Fundamentals

T.L.B.S.S: Foundation of Israelite Truth.

T.L.B.S.S: Israel Vs The Church

End of Days Current Events

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