Tuesday, January 27, 2015

WW3 Except no Substitute!

   WW3 Except no Substitute!
     The United States of America is considered a Superpower & ever since the fall of Russia (after the cold war) America has enjoyed being the only one.  America was the greatest country of its time Militarily and Economically with no rival, and many believed that since there was only one superpower that it would be an age of Peace and Prosperity around the world.  Yet this was not going to be the case... instead of peace and security America started wars all over the middle east.  They killed robbed raped collapsed sovereign governments trampled over others human rights ect. just became a terror in this world.
     America has always been promoted as the land of the free, has always presented itself as the best hope for peace in this world.  How far from the spin job is the reality of America?  Its not a peace keeper it is a Bully.  They attack others to gain resources (they weep what they did not soe) and cause famine, pestilence, war, destruction wherever they invade.  Their time as the leader of this world has been a complete horror and seconded only by the coming of the one world order.
     Now the Russian Bear is beginning to awake, and America has begun poking the bear desiring to steal its resources.  Just like American Government did in Iraq, Afghanistan, and all over the middle east, stealing the resources of smaller weaker countries to maintain American dominance.  However Russia has nuclear weapons and will not allow America to steal its oil resources without a fight, But America will not turn from their objective in attempting to steal Russia's Oil.
     America's financial system is days from crashing down which is the motivation for them to steal new resources from Russia so that they can propped up America's Economy.  The American Dollar is on it's last legs and when it falls so does the dominance and superiority of America.  With the fall of the Tyrant Country the world would naturally reset and the powers of the world would rearrange allowing for those country's who was on the bottom while America was on top could possibly become stronger once America goes down.
     Though the American Dollar is reaching its natural End, America does not want to lose its power and is desperately trying to start a war with Russia, China, Iran, North Korea but why?  Why won't they just move out the way and allow someone else to lead the world, but no... the powers that control America does not want the world to choose its own destiny.  They want to use a nuclear war to kill off the majority of the planets population making the remaining people more easy to control.
     Once the worlds population has been decimated then the Elites will come out of their underground bunkers to set up a one world government.  The bible foretells that America/Babylon will be destroyed in this nuclear conflict with Russia as a Judgement from the Most High.  This can not be avoided regardless of the reasons America is poking the Bear the Most High is behind this conflict coming to fultritian.
     Yah is using this conflict to bring down the numbers of all the Heathens that have put the children of Yah in captivity.  Isaiah 25;5 "Thou shalt bring down the noise of strangers, as the heat in a dry place: even the heat with the shadow of a cloud; the branch of the terrible ones shall be brought low."
He is going to use WW3 in order to bring down these wicked nations and punish the world for the crimes they have committed against His people.  His influence is the reason why the world does not seem to realize that a nuclear war will ultimately end the White Man's dominance over the people of Color!!!  
     Yah is making these fools shoot themselves in the foot... He is making them drink the cup of destruction they they forced the Israelites to drink.  So we wait and watch the end of Esau's Kingdom and the destruction of Babylon for its crimes against us and the world.  WW3 is judgement day for America and the world and it is the victory of the Most High against our enemies Shalom!

"You thought you had gotten away with your crimes against us, but Yah has not forgotten and your day of Judgement has come!"  Quoted by Sekuma Z. Lambew 

For More Israelite Truth subscribe to my youtube channel "sekuma08"

Isis or Isol Real or Make Believe?

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