Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Yah's War Declaration Against America!

   Yah's War Declaration Against America!
     As most who understand the Word Of God (The Bible) it becomes clear that America is Babylon of the Bible.  The fact that Babylon was utilized by The Most High to punish his people Israel for their wickedness for breaking the Covenant that their ancestors made with him threw his servant Moses.  The punishment of Israel by The Most High threw Babylon is apparent every time you turn on the news and see another black male shot by police unarmed... or arrested for drug charges... (by the very government who provide the drugs to them to begin with.) or killed in some Plan Parenthood Abortion Clinic.
     Now of course Babylon was set up for this purpose by The Most High... and Israel was sent to be punished for their crimes against Him by Him.  However The Most High did not send us into this chastisement period (400 years 1619-2019)  in order to Destroy Us... but rather to teach us the penalties of disobedience in which He previously warned us about by THE PROPHETS of OLD.
    The Redemption of Israel and restoration of our Nation is soon to come... Praise Be To YAH!  Some might say that no one knows the time... and this is true... but we do know the season as it is written "Look Up for your redemption draws nie" of course we would know the season how close it is to our redemption in order for us to LOOK UP at the right time.  So for Israel ... The Most High has made he season of our Redemption known to His Servants in order to inform Israel what is to come.
     When Israel is redeemed what will befall our once Oppressors those whom The Most High utilized to chastise his Holy People?  A hint of their judgement is revealed in the Book Of Nahum Chapter 3;1-6 "Woe to the BLOODY CITY! It is all full of LIES and ROBBERY;  The prey departed not; (This is Ref America/Babylon and N.Y. City Capital of The Financial Industry)  Ref Wikipedia: The City of New York, often called New York City or simply New York, is the most populous city in the United States.[9] Located at the southern tip of the state of New York, the city is the center of the New York metropolitan area, one of the most populous urban agglomerations in the world.[10][11] With a U.S. Census Bureau-estimated 2015 population of 8,550,405[1] distributed over a land area of just 305 square miles (790 km2),[12] New York is also the most densely populated major city in the United States.[13] A global power city,[14] New York City exerts a significant impact upon commerce, finance, media, art, fashion, research, technology, education, and entertainment, its fast pace[15] defining the term New York minute.[16] Home to the headquarters of the United Nations,[17] New York is an important center for international diplomacy[18] and has been described as the CULTURAL and FINANCIAL CAPITAL OF THE WORLD.
     2,The noise of a whip; (Slavery being utilized to gain the wealth of America) and the noise of the rattling of the wheels, and of the pransing horses. (N.Y. Police Still use Horses) and of the jumping chariots, 3,The horseman lifteth up both the bright sword and the glittering spear: and there is a multitude of SLAIN. (All the death of His Children at the hand of this Government) and a great number of carcases; and there is NONE END of their corpses, they stumble upon their corpses:  (The Murder Death of the children of Israel by this government will continue regardless Civil Rights movement or any other civil opposition) 4, Because of the multitude of the whoredoms of the well favored harlot, the mistress of witchcrafts, that selleth nations through her whoredoms, and families through her witchcrafts.  (New, Movies, Music, Money, ect, all considered witchcraft and whoredom United States spreads across the world)
     5, Behold, I AM AGAINST THEE, (DECLARATION OF WAR AGAINST AMERICA/BABYLON) saith the Lord of Host: and I WILL DISCOVER THY SKIRTS UPON THEY FACE, AND I WILL SHEW THE NATIONS THEY NAKENESS, AND THE KINGDOMS THEY SHAME! (Gay and Homosexual Marriage, Pizza Gate, Wars for Profit to steal Resources, to name a few of the secrets of America that is being revealed.) 
     6, AND I WILL CAST ABOMINABLE FILTH UP THEE AND MAKE THEE VILE, AND WILL SET THEE AS A GAZINGSTOCK. (The Most High is promising that He is going to bring down the name and honor of America.  Remember every nation wanted to be like America but the day is coming ... has begun to no longer admire America)
     It is clear that The Most High raised up America in order to chastise his people... and now that their chastisment is coming to an END... the retribution is beginning to befall America/Babylon for what they did to HIS PEOPLE while they was in their hand.  The Most High Did Not want the So Called White Man to do the horrible things that he did to HIS CHILDREN.  This country did TOO MUCH and is starring at some hard times leading to destruction soon come Shalom.

  "You did too much Esau... now it's time for us to RETURN THE FAVOR!"  Quoted by Sekuma Z. Lambew

Thursday, April 9, 2015

The American Matrix is Broken.

The American Matrix is Broken.
     The American Matrix that has pulled the wool over the eyes not only of nations around the world but over the very eyes of the children of Yah concerning who they are and where they come from.  This deception has finally been broken by the Most High after almost 400 years of captivity.  The so-called blacks from the Trans-Atlantic Slave trade are the real Israelites of scripture per Jeremiah 14;2, 8;21, Song Of Solomon 1;5-6 Rev:1;14-15 and so forth in the KJB 1611.
    America promotes many things that are regarded as wickedness within the Holy Bible.  As an example America promotes Homosexuality... Sorcery... Abortion... & multi racial blending.  All of these are abominable by the Most High.  At the same time America was believed to be a nation founded on Christianity... and Christianity is believed to be a religion based on the Worship of the Son of the Most High.
    Of course now that the Beginning of Sorrows has begun in 2011 after the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster in Japan the Matrix of Delusion (Religion, Science, Witchcraft) that supported the foundation of European (White) Supremacy or rule has begun to crumble and soon will be destroyed utterly.  The Truth of The God of Israel is about to be reestablished upon this earth as the time of the Gentiles comes to an End.
    Jeremiah 16;19 "O Lord, my strength, and my fortress, and my refuge in the day of affliction, the Gentiles shall come unto thee from the Ends of the earth, and shall say, Surely our fathers have inherited lies, vanity, and things wherein there is NO PROFIT."  The bible is saying that once the deceptions that Gentiles spit out 24/7 through Religion, Science, Technology, Witchcraft, White Supremacy ect.  are reveal to be bullshit then the gentiles will seek the lord our God with much humility.
    So all of the lies you have probably grown up believing will one day soon be revealed (To You) to be just lies with no profit for a relationship with the Most High is the only thing with everlasting benefits, and the only people who The Most High deals with is Israelites as he has said himself.  Ex. Psalm 147;19-20 "He sheweth his word unto Jacob (Israel), his statutes & his judgements unto israel. 20, He hath not dealt so with ANY nation; and for his judgements, they have not known them.  Praise ye the Lord!" So what does that leave for the rest of the nations who has been drunk of the wine of Vanity?  They are about to experience a morning sickness the likes of which they have never known.
     When will all of this take place?  Well we know since the Beginning of Sorrows has begun and correlates with the 400 year curse imposed by Yah on Israel for its sins against Him comes to and End.  Simply put... when Yah reveals his children are the slaves here in America thus ending their captivity then the shore destruction foretold in the bible for America and the other wicked nations of the world will begin to become the New Reality they have been hiding for a long time.
    America despite its claims to separate church and state has known of this prophecy of their destruction  foretold in the Bible Gen. 15; 14-15 & Acts 7;6-7 Isaiah 14;1-7 and so on.  They have been planing to attempt to maintain their continuity of Government even after Yah brings us out of their captivity for they know like with ancient Egypt once Yah takes us out of this country sure destruction is coming upon it for its crimes against us.
    The United States Gov.  has for years created a tightly monitored smear campaign against the children of Yah and the word of Yah... to hide the origin of the so-called negro americans from all Americans.  I would say the world but... the world's governments already know who we are but have agreed by and large not to discuss it publicly.  However since the explosion of the world wide web the communications between people have increased and traffic of said information has spread.
    I have talked with peoples in Africa using social media who know that the so-called African American is not really African.  They also do not deny their role in the inslavement of the so-called black man into slavery... why?  Because they know that we are the children of Yah... Israelites not Africans as outlined not only in the bible but also in their history.  See America has kept this as tight as secret as they cool for almost 400 years but coming to the end of the Gentile rule this truth Yah is allowing to break forth to the very ears of his chosen people.
    Thus all of the secret fears of The American Government... the self proclaimed white man... and these Heathen nations concerning the wrath of the God of Israel will be manifested in truth soon come.  The world as you know it will soon be turned upside down or shall I say rightside up finally.  The leprice white man who came out of the mountains of southern Russia and slaughter indigenous black population all over the face of the world will soon be running for his life.  These Heathen countries that was established/white washed will soon be dust to the ground& the children of Yah will soon be free form their lies and control shalom.

  "They want you to be proud of their Heathen Nations while denying you the truth of Your Israelite Nation & you wonder why Yah is coming to destroy them?"  Quoted by Sekuma Z. Lambew

For More Israelite Truth subscribe to my youtube channel "sekuma08"


Wednesday, April 1, 2015

RFID Chip Ready to be Announced!

    RFID Chip Ready to be Announced!
    Do you ever feel as though you are being watched?  That someone one, somewhere, is tracking your every move.  Maybe even tapping your phone conversations, text, emails, blogs, video recording your face, & adding you to a list of millions of Americans/potential terrorist  in a biometric nightmarish scenario that could even make Hollywood jealous.
    Sounds Bizarre... or even crazy right?  Prior to 09/11/2001 I would be the first to agree with you, but as the clock strikes 12 midnight on this nation we call America it is evident that what we would have called Bizarre 11 years ago is everyday news today.  They are watching us!  Our online activities are being recorded and monitored every moment of every day, by people who we will probably never know. 
    Remember when you was presumed innocent before proven guilty by a court of law?  Remember when law enforcement had to get a search warrant before wire tapping your phone... bugging your house... seizing your computer records... collecting your biometrics?  Remember when America stood for freedom in the world and other countries looked up to us and attempted to mimic our every endeavor?
    Well kiss all of that good bye as the United States you probably remember is but a distant memory now, sorta like owning a home being the American Dream right?  Things in this country has changed and many would say for the worst and not for the better.  The world has changed it's opinion of America from Respect to Dis-respect... from Pro America to Anti-America, from allies to enemies and I can go on and on you get the point.  America's byline has gone from good to bad just like it's credit rating & the Government is playing dumb about it.
    Yes the Government with all of it's spy's, intel collection agencies, and supercomputers apparently doesn't know that the world has had enough of America and its imperial ways.  That the world has had it up to it's limit with America's regime changes of foreign sovereign countries & it's endless wars to steal resources like oil from countries who aren't able to protect themselves against America's superior military and nuclear forces.  Hell I could have told you that Gov. for free... and you wouldn't have to spend a trillion dollars a year in intelligence bills. 
    Does the American Government really believe that this anti-peace policy that they have employed across the world will end without ww3?  It's not like America is going to stop its aggressive actions on its own.  I mean really like they have been getting away with theft... murder... crimes against humanity and the sort since the American Foundation was laid.  Can anyone really expect that they would turn themselves into international authorities  and willing accept the penalty for the crimes they have committed to just about every nation/nationality on earth?
    The American Government when faced with this reality would probably reply the same as whites have replied to their crimes that have gone unpunished.  "What Crimes?" "I don't know what you are talking about?"  Then of course we (The People) would remind them by saying, "Slavery of Negroes 1619 - to present oppression" "Murdering and stealing the land from the Native Americans" "The constant bombing of middle eastern countries."  & of course "Creating the Nuclear BOMB & using it against Japan!"   
    How would they then respond?  Probably by saying "The Answers are CLASSIFIED!"  then calling us home grown terrorist and locking us away without trial or lawyer and of course without any press present, or atleast press that are no
t controlled by THEM or their affiliates.  The whole issue is swept under thousands of rugs never to be conversed upon again.  Can you say America has been taken over by Elites who hate the Majority!
    But no worries Elites the RFID Chip will save the day.  Their just waiting for a calamity big enough for them to use as an excuse to usher in the final level of control over these wasteful "Eaters."  Along side martial law and they have the solution to the problem of overpopulation.  It's so hard for them to keep silent, deceived, & control 7 billion plus people without some kind of fail safe action plan.
    Wait didn't the bible warn us about trying to count the number of Israel?  No worries... they have polluted the minds of the people with sex, money, ambition for worldly gain, fame, and numbed us to any feelings of  remorse, empathy, love of biblical God, self control, commitment, peace by reason of respect not just in word only.  Yep, those Elites thought of everything... and worse comes to worst and their plans are revealed all they have to do is say "Conspiracy Nut" and every bodies replies "Uh huh!"

Written by:
Sekuma Z. Lambew 

"A truth not wanted, is a truth desperately needed!" Quoted by Sekuma Z. Lambew

For More Israelite Truth subscribe to my youtube channel "sekuma08"

The Lampshades Blood Moon Saga Completed Series:
End of Days Current Events
The Lampshades Bible Study Series

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Facebook The Hand of American Control!

    I am starting to notice especially since the Blood Moons have begun April 2014 - Sept. 2015 that FaceBook and other so-called social networks have been censoring more and more of the truth from getting to the eyes of the people.  Now partially I recognize these evil wicked people of this world don't want to see truth but want to bask in lies and false assurances, however it is of note: that social media like FaceBook is actively screening free speech regarding the End of Days Signs as some how hate speech.  Take this for example... I wrote in my facebook account...

Sekuma Lambew
Sekuma Lambew "The white man has really mentally raped my people... he beats us... shoots us and our children in the streets... enslaved us... keeps us in perpetual poverty in our ghettos and slums... and to make sure you don't rise up against the very perpetrators of crimes against us... they have you worship THEIR image of a white Jesus in A religion whom they forced your ancestors to believe in. The cross and the sword remember those days? Nope they made sure to keep that out of the history books so you coon negros can keep worshiping the image of the mother fucker who raped robbed and enslave you. Don't forget those nice Christian Mobs who strung your ancestors up on a noose and lynched us on trees holding their bibles... saying "Jesus Loves you!" and look they left a nice burning Cross on your daddies front lawn so you never forget how Christianity saved your dirty black niger soul! Shalom!"
And they removed it saying it was nudity??? Now how the fuck is talking about being mentally raped by the white man oppression on the black community with nudity?  They obviously is trying to make a connection where one does not exist in order to remove a concept that makes their white asses uncomfortable.  Or how about this ...

    "Our Black Women sell their souls to serve the white man against the black man.  Who says they don't still see us as slaves.  See the CHAIN on her neck?  This black women is trying to cry out for help but nobodies listening... guess we too busy watching our football games and screwing white women to see the obvious Truth.  We ain't free you coon idiots... we still slaves.  You want Justice...
then beg the white man... they got their hands in all our affairs and we got no control over nothing not even raising our own kids.  For all you coons who think America is Heaven... this should wake your ass up... we in Hell and the white man is the Devil Shalom!

    "When you fucking coons gonna learn... they (White Man) are our enemies.  Do you get it now coons??? Or do you got to be the next mother fuckers to be shot and killed while being unarmed before you join this movement/realization?  We Israelites of the bible... children of God... and they are the seed of Satan simple... which side are you on coon?  You better get your head out of your ass and come back to serving Yah ... your God in sincerity and Truth before it's too late Shalom!"

"With all of the Death, Murder, Theft, Rape, going on around the world by Edomites (America) who can still believe in the Lie of WHITE Jesus? Give me an example of a white man being hung (Lynched) on a tree? I can give you several examples of them doing the lynching none where they was actually being lynched. So it does not make any sense why coons and others believe the white man was hung on the cross?" Quoted by Sekuma Z. Lambew for more truth subscribe to our youtube channel "sekuma08"
  Facebook and other social media outlets are just another hand of control of the so-called whiteman and they like the devil they are... hate the truth and perpatrate nothing but lies since the day they came out of the fucking mountains of Russia.      The day is coming were the Lies of the Edomites & other Heathens regarding who the Children of Yah are is going to be destroyed!  And all of you who believe these lies will mourn greatly in the days coming.  America will be humbled by the most High for its crimes against the so-called Negros and these Heathen Nations will learn what Yah really things of them without the illusions created and perpetrated by these Devils who have whitewashed this world.  Shalom. 

    "It's strange, they say we have freedom of speech but when you talk against fake white Jesus and about the horrible crimes edomites have committed against my people here in America and all around the world... all of a sudden Facebook starts threatening to delete your account?  Funny... I thought this account is a means for corporations to feed our pictures... profiles... and personal information to an out of control Government who has too much time on their hands?  I guess Facefag doesn't want their Government kickbacks for selling us out no more."  Quoted by Sekuma Z. Lambew.

    "For all you coons (Uncle Toms) that love the White Man so damn much... let me show you a picture of what he looks like once you take away the business suits... the fancy cars... the uniforms... the million dollar homes and so forth... and if you dare take away the cross tied to the Christian religion ... you can finally see what these biatces really look like and their role in this world.  Can you see what we Israelites see?  Shalom."

"How you going to survive when the Entertainment of this world stops and the fight begins?"  Quoted by Sekuma Z. Lambew.

"Another time my account on Facebook has been temporarily blocked.  Why?  In life there are many types of people.  Some seek the Truth... others flee from it... some speak truth despite the consequences while others disseminate nothing but lies, finding comfort in darkness.  However all things done in darkness will be revealed in the Light.  Though Facebook has aligned itself with the powers that perpetuate lies, ignorance, and darkness in this world the light of truth will ultimately break through and destroy the veil of Darkness & the day of his coming (Truth,The Way,The Life) Yeshua is near."  Quoted by Sekuma Z. Lambew

For More Israelite Truth subscribe to my youtube channel "sekuma08"

America was Destined to Fail.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

All Men are not Created Equal!

    In early childhood you are taught in school that every man is created Equal and you never ask yourself why do they say that?  Is what they say backed up by biological fact?  Is it based on Biblical Fact?  Is it based on Historical Fact?  Is it based on American values?  Is this even true statement or is it what humanity wishes to be the case?
    The United States Constitution creates the Idea of Human Equality, but as we know with Black American History this was not the case when it came to slaves brought to America.  In fact the Constitution was not created with blacks in mind it was drafted for the whites that lived here in America.  Moreover the black slaves was considered by the supreme court of America as kin to live stock and was considered 3/5 Human.
    So it is obvious that America's constitution created a statement that it itself does not support... and does not apply to All Men, but is the statement "All men are created Equal" a biological fact?  Could it be that the founding fathers of America considered Biology when they drafted the constitution?  Biology reveals that so-called Blacks skin has pigmentation which is the reason their skin has color.  However this color is not just for looks but helps the body protect itself against the Sun's radiation.
    Now the self proclaimed White man has no pigmentation and their skin is susceptible to absorbing the radiation unleashed by the Sun.  This causes their skin and body to develop skin cancers and other cancers associated with the radiation of the Sun.  Also note: that the chromosomes in white people are not complete but are deficient leading to eventual birth defects within their genome such as down syndrome & various other birth defects.
    The so-called black man's genome is complete, which highly suggest that the original man was black.  Just like the color black can be strained to created all the colors of the rainbow all nationalities and skin colors can come from so-called Blacks even white skin tone can come from blacks.  An albino is a good example of this, a person who has two black parents but himself is born without pigmentation thus being white or pale.  However two white parents can not create a child with black skin/pigmentation.
    So if the statement "All Men Are Created Equal" is not a Historical fact... Not a Biological Fact... then could it be a biblical fact?  The constitution was drafted with the bible in mind right?  The forefathers of America was suppose to be believers in the BIBLE?  Then lets see if the Bible supports the statement "All Men Are Created Equal."  Deuteronomy 7;6 "For thou art an holy people unto the Lord thy God: the Lord thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, ABOVE all people that are upon the face of the earth!" 
    So this statement in the Holy Bible does not support the statement "All Men Are Created Equal." It is also of note that their as several passes in the Holy Bible showcasing the fact that Yah loves Israel over all other nations on the earth even has stated the other nations were considered less then nothing to HIM, making it quite clear to all who know Him that in his eyes All Men Are Not Created Equal! But was not the constitution created under God?  It is more then a blunder that the founding fathers would put the statement "All Men Are Created Equal" under God when the biblical God declares otherwise?
    It is clear that the statement "All Men Are Created Equal" is not a Historical Fact... Not a Biological Fact... Not a Biblical Fact... maybe its more of an expression of American Values?  Does American citizens believe "All Men Are Created Equal" and do they express this belief in a practical matter here in America?  After the recent shooting & death of Michael Brown, an unarmed black teanager killed by police, and so many other black men here in America killed by police and white citizens, it is unlikely that the consciousness of America believes in practice the statement "All Men Are Created Equal."  (2 blacks a week on average)
     If not only after Slavery and with the deaths of millions of blacks by white murders whom has yet to be punished for their crimes it is clear that the statement "All Men Are Created Equal" is not only untrue but I suspect to be a deliberate LIE.  All Men Are Not Created Equal and the powers that be in this world knows it.  The problem is that the rulers of this world are genetically inferior to the origin man (Black Man) & has utilized technological advancements in weapons to subvert and oppress the descendants of the original man.
    Then after the original man descendants have been oppressed, the powers that be pushes their media propaganda force to push the idea that Blacks are inferior, violent, inhuman, ect.  To the point that every man women and child believes that the Black Man is the lowest form of Humanity,& that their lives do not matter, while at the same time believing unrealistically that "All Men Are Created Equal."
    It is clear that the system of control that has been created to deceive mankind into hating its origin, is a clear corrupt system.  The mutation which is called the White Man has turned this world upside down.  They say "All Men Are Created Equal when knowing full well that they are not equal to the so-called black man who was the father of all Men.
    With the world being polluted by fukushima nuclear disaster 2011 and the looming war world 3 which once initiated will bring mankind to the brink of self annihilation, who trust in the system we are forced to live under?  If they tell us "All Men Are Created Equal" and its obviously a lie then nothing they say can be trusted, thus why this world we know now is coming to a close.  The world is waking up to the bullshit spitting out of the white mans mouth and his bluff is about to be called Shalom!

    "It's your system to crash White Man... But don't expect US to help you build another one!" Quoted By:  Sekuma Z. Lambew

For More Israelite Truth subscribe to my youtube channel "sekuma08"

All Men are not Created Equal!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

WW3 Except no Substitute!

   WW3 Except no Substitute!
     The United States of America is considered a Superpower & ever since the fall of Russia (after the cold war) America has enjoyed being the only one.  America was the greatest country of its time Militarily and Economically with no rival, and many believed that since there was only one superpower that it would be an age of Peace and Prosperity around the world.  Yet this was not going to be the case... instead of peace and security America started wars all over the middle east.  They killed robbed raped collapsed sovereign governments trampled over others human rights ect. just became a terror in this world.
     America has always been promoted as the land of the free, has always presented itself as the best hope for peace in this world.  How far from the spin job is the reality of America?  Its not a peace keeper it is a Bully.  They attack others to gain resources (they weep what they did not soe) and cause famine, pestilence, war, destruction wherever they invade.  Their time as the leader of this world has been a complete horror and seconded only by the coming of the one world order.
     Now the Russian Bear is beginning to awake, and America has begun poking the bear desiring to steal its resources.  Just like American Government did in Iraq, Afghanistan, and all over the middle east, stealing the resources of smaller weaker countries to maintain American dominance.  However Russia has nuclear weapons and will not allow America to steal its oil resources without a fight, But America will not turn from their objective in attempting to steal Russia's Oil.
     America's financial system is days from crashing down which is the motivation for them to steal new resources from Russia so that they can propped up America's Economy.  The American Dollar is on it's last legs and when it falls so does the dominance and superiority of America.  With the fall of the Tyrant Country the world would naturally reset and the powers of the world would rearrange allowing for those country's who was on the bottom while America was on top could possibly become stronger once America goes down.
     Though the American Dollar is reaching its natural End, America does not want to lose its power and is desperately trying to start a war with Russia, China, Iran, North Korea but why?  Why won't they just move out the way and allow someone else to lead the world, but no... the powers that control America does not want the world to choose its own destiny.  They want to use a nuclear war to kill off the majority of the planets population making the remaining people more easy to control.
     Once the worlds population has been decimated then the Elites will come out of their underground bunkers to set up a one world government.  The bible foretells that America/Babylon will be destroyed in this nuclear conflict with Russia as a Judgement from the Most High.  This can not be avoided regardless of the reasons America is poking the Bear the Most High is behind this conflict coming to fultritian.
     Yah is using this conflict to bring down the numbers of all the Heathens that have put the children of Yah in captivity.  Isaiah 25;5 "Thou shalt bring down the noise of strangers, as the heat in a dry place: even the heat with the shadow of a cloud; the branch of the terrible ones shall be brought low."
He is going to use WW3 in order to bring down these wicked nations and punish the world for the crimes they have committed against His people.  His influence is the reason why the world does not seem to realize that a nuclear war will ultimately end the White Man's dominance over the people of Color!!!  
     Yah is making these fools shoot themselves in the foot... He is making them drink the cup of destruction they they forced the Israelites to drink.  So we wait and watch the end of Esau's Kingdom and the destruction of Babylon for its crimes against us and the world.  WW3 is judgement day for America and the world and it is the victory of the Most High against our enemies Shalom!

"You thought you had gotten away with your crimes against us, but Yah has not forgotten and your day of Judgement has come!"  Quoted by Sekuma Z. Lambew 

For More Israelite Truth subscribe to my youtube channel "sekuma08"

Isis or Isol Real or Make Believe?

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

500 days until polar shift/Climate Change Sept. 2015

   500 days until polar shift/Climate Change Sept. 2015  and is there no wonder why in the end of 2016 we have SUPER STORMS?
    The French Foreign Minister Says "That we have 500 days until Climate Change Caos."  Now when he said this notice that all of the world leaders Including Karry from the United States did not flinch.  They did not cut him off... nor did they refute what he was saying.  It was obvious that the French Foreign Minister was not talking strangely to them or talking crazy.  They knew what he was talking about as it was obvious the only one that did not know what he was talking about was the American People.
    Luke 21;26 "Men's Hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of Heaven shall be shaken!" Is this not what is happening right now?  If you do some research on the internet you will find scientist around the world are starting to speak out concerning the Polar Ice melting, A Dark Star entering our solar system, The North Pole and the South Pole is about to switch and so forth.  Not to mention WW3 on the horizon between Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, against The United States of America.  There is a whole lot of fear in mans heart right now because all of these threats are happening simultaneously and no one knows how to avert the effects of these coming calamities.
    The big question is why did we have to hear this from French Foreign Minister why not from our own Government?  They are not telling the American People shit about any of the major threats to America as has been their policy for years.  The American People are some of the richest people on the planet but also the dumbest people in the planet.  They are more focused on T.V. sitcoms instead of real life.  They care more about what their Hollywood stars think about rather then what scientist are saying about what's going on with the planet.
    The American people have been so brainwashed by T.V. and poisoned by the fluoride purposely put into the water system of America that they don't have the capacity anymore to seek information for themselves outside of the official sources that provide false information.  Does anyone think this is an accident?  But if you try to show the people what's really going on you are called a conspiracy nut?  LOL... well in a few months we are all going to be smacked with the truth they they was trying to avoid for so long.
    Sept. 24, 2015 is suppose to be when climate chaos will begins.  Note:  We have already seen a noticeable climate change leading up to the end of the 500 day countdown.  We have seen 38 volcano's erupting all over the world simultaneously... we have seen an increase in earthquakes and Super Storms with wind gust topping 200 miles per hour & and apparently this is just to tip of the iceberg to how the climate will become even more violent once the 500 day countdown concludes.
    Now the Government is not going to tell the people of America just how dire the situation is because they want to keep people calm and mountain their control over the masses.  They know if they told the people that the end of society as we know it was on the horizon then the people would revolt... there would be chaos in the streets looting... murder.. rape and so forth so the powers that be are lying to us for as long as they can.
    How does this all tie into biblical prophecy?  Note:  The Flour blood moons began in April 2014 and will end September 2015 on exactly they same month the end of the 500 day countdown to Climate Chaos.  Coincidence?  I don't think so.  So these blood moons are a sign to Israel from Yah right, but what is the message & and why is the blood moons only visible in the Americas not in the state of Israel?
    The real Jews of scripture is the Blacks slaves brought to America in cargo slave ships in 1619 as per scripture.  Deuteronomy 28;68 "And the Lord shall bring thee into Egypt Again with Ships, by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold unto your enemies for bondmen & bondwomen, and no man shall buy you!"  Yah told our Ancestors that since we broke the commandments of Moses that we would be punished in this way.  This prophecy came to pass after the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 a.d. we ran into Africa to avoid Roman persecution.  Later on the African's who knew we was not their people... rounded us up and sold us to the White Man who brought us to America fulfilling this biblical prophecy.
    Now Yah told us how long we would be in bondage for our crimes against Him.  Gen. 15;13 - 14 "And He said unto Abram, know of a surety that thy SEED shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall SERVE them; and they shall AFFLICT them FOUR hundred years; 14, And also that Nation, whom they shall serve, will I JUDGE; and afterwards shall they come out with great substance!"  If you add 400 years from the date we stepped foot on the shores of the Americas 1619 + 400 years .. you get 2019.  Now of course Yah could have started the countdown early when we was first put on the slave ships in route to America or even earlier when they begun to round us up in Africa and first purchased by the white man.
    So the fulfilment of this prophecy can be any time from today unto the end of 2019.  We know it can be early but Yah is never Late... the children of Israel will be freed from their captivity soon.  Is it a coincidence that these global events are happening at the very end of our 400 prophesied captivity?  The only way you can understand the signs of the End of Days is to understand who the Children of Yah are... if you don't understand they are the Negros in America then you will be caught unaware when all of these signs come to pass.
    If you think that is only in the Old Testament and it was done away with the death of Yeshua then your wrong.   The New Testament says the same thing in Acts 7;6-7  So it is clear that this prophecy is happening right now and was not done away with as the Christian Liars would have you believe.  We are not coming to the End of the Church Age (another Christian Lie) we are coming to the end of the Gentile Age.  Luke 21;24 - 25 "And they shall fall by the edge of the sword; (Fall of Jerusalem 70 a.d.) and shall be led away captives into all Nations: (Trans-Atlantic Slave trade) and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, (Jewish & Palestine conflicts) until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled. 
    25,And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring" Doesn't this describe what we are seeing today... climate change... earthquakes... distress of Nations, (Civil Unrest around the world)  air pollution, Fukushima polluting the sea, dead fish/birds,animal extinction.  Is this not perplexity?  This world wide issues can not be simply corrected... but the problem are so complex and extreme that nothing side a miracle can save Humanity from these Calamities.
    However for the Children of Yah those Negros that are still in captivity, Yeshua has a message for you!  Luke 21;28 "And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for YOUR redemption draweth nigh." Who's redemption?  The People of the Book... the Israelites still here in America who was denied knowledge of their History.  We are the ones Yeshua is talking about not the church lol... but the blacks that are still here catching hell from Edomites.  Our redemption... our kingdom... our savior... is on the way.  Shalom.

    "They took away our God and told us to worship Theirs.  They thought they could rule over us forever but they were wrong... now Yeshua is coming to make them pay for their mistakes and free his people!"  Sekuma Z. Lambew

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